Don’t Forget … Inspire the Innovators
It’s easy to say innovation is important. But implementing it is a far more difficult task. The word innovation has in some ways become synonymous with motivational rhetoric,...
Improve Your Web Ranking
If you’ve ever told your phone to make a call or type out a message, you’re already familiar with voice search technology. In laymen’s terms, voice-search is speaking into a...
Discussing Our Demand Side Platform
Programmatic media buying is technology that now allows advertisers to access audiences across the internet on thousands of different websites based on their interests or...
Sound is half the picture
If sound is half the picture, it can also be just as iconic. Consider the fizz in a Coca-Cola commercial. The actual sound isn’t much more than a quick hiss in real life, but...
Fundamentally Speaking: Creative Testing
Getting feedback from your target audience can be valuable at various stages of the development process – and creative testing is one of the best methods. So, let’s look at...
Unlocking the power of persuasion
We would all like to believe logic can overcome emotion, so much so, that people will often state an opinion that does not truly match what they are actually thinking. It can...
Here, There, Everywhere
Stop us if you’ve heard this one: It takes seven impressions before your marketing message resonates with customers. But did you know frequency marketing doesn’t have to burst...
The evolution of the Influencer
The natural history of “the influencer” is quite remarkable for a phenomenon that’s so widely considered ultramodern. And to be certain, between the proliferation of #sponcon...
Taking a New Perspective
Marketing is riddled with challenges. Daily, we’re forced to solve them or succumb to them. And when it’s your own product or brand on the line, you don’t want a short-sited...